My most boring Christmas wish list ever

1) a composter

2) more URLs for me to dominate

3) magazine subscriptions

4) organic sheets

5) donations to charity

3 Thoughts on “My most boring Christmas wish list ever

  1. It is impolite to ask others to donate to charity instead of buying you a gift. Just ask Miss Manners. Lucky, huh?

  2. I am not asking you to donate to charity; starving children and AIDs victims are asking you to donate to charity. You and Miss Manners lack the spirit of Christmas. I AM A GOOD PERSON AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW IT SO SUCK IT.

    PS I could also use a Cuisinart.

  3. Update: I don’t know if anyone is going to believe me, but this afternoon, out of nowhere, my grandmother gave me a Cuisinart. She doesn’t even read my blog! I haven’t even been practicing The Secret like Noelle tells me to! My grandmother is obviously one of Santa’s angels.

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