The perils of drinking until you set the noodles on fire

The last time I made the freshman “cooking while drunk” error was five years ago when I lit spaghetti on fire after an evening of karaoke in Northern Virginia. But last night I really wanted macaroni, and macaroni wanted me. But I only got as far as boiling a pot of water before the house started smelling like burning. So I guess I burned some water. Incidentally, you can’t throw a pot of water on something burning when the water itself is burning, because you’ll just add fuel to the fire. And that, Julia Childs, is how you make Eau Flambe.

One thought on “The perils of drinking until you set the noodles on fire

  1. Ahh, yes, the perils of drunk food preparation.

    Remind me to tell you a crazy story about that next time I see you.
    I passed by the diner and saw that the CLAW event was going on, but couldn’t stop by. Sounds like it rocked.

    Keep writing, seriously.

    It’s incredibly fun to read.

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