Texting with my daughter, who just got an Apple Watch

Day 1
Her: Please please please please please please please please call me
Her: I need you to help me with jammies please
Her: Can you please answer me back because I know you’re talking with dada
Her: I’m in my creepy zone mama, so text me back and I’ll say over bloody out
Her: I do not know what I mean what you mean by my teeth are so dry

I’ve read about how scientists are using artificial intelligence to decode the language of whales, bees, and other animals. So one day the animals will be talking, and we’ll understand them all perfectly.

Her: I’m stuck on the toilet you can start without me
Me: Have you turned into your dad?
Her: I know it’s fun E
Her: Sorry
Her: When I was taking my long cut, I found a piece of candy on the table. Can I have it? It’s a chocolate I mean.
Me: lol that’s mine
Her: Call me please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Her: I brush my hair and teeth. Just please call me.
Her: I’ll do anything

Now my 8-year-old daughter has a computer on her wrist, into which she speaks her mind, and the output resembles effective communication. The Apple Watch transcribes her thoughts into correctly spelled words, and often punctuates her sentences. I hear a familiar voice in the texts, but the computer is also teaching her its use cases.

Day 2
Her: Hey, it’s almost 6 can we go in soon? [she texts from the back seat of the car I’m driving]
Her: I can’t feel my butt
Her: Still can’t feel my butt
Her: More minutes it’s about 553 or 552
Her: It’s 554 are we there yet
Her: Do you see that bag on the railing across from us? [she texts while we walk from the car to the restaurant]
Her: Really want the avocado with stuff inside when you when he comes around, will you order it for me or I can order it? Whatever you want. [she texts from the restaurant bathroom]
Her: I believe you

She becomes a girl with more demands, because the computer is a demanding tool. She’s learned that she can move me bodily from one room to another just by talking into her device.

Her: You have to
Her: #£6 e_e’ecayA
Her: Christmas tree
Her: Can I have dessert now will you come down now please please please please please

I’ve discovered that she’s very comfortable issuing threats from a safe distance.

Day 3
Her: Fill it up to the top, and never see a light again

I cherish the unsolicited “Love you” texts. And when she recently signed off with “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore” after I won an argument, I was mildly amused. But it’s mostly this:

Day 4
Her: Could you please come here and help me get dressed?
Her: I need more help than that
Her: Please please please don’t block me and please please please do more than that getting dressed
Her: Please please please thank you thank you Q I’m begging you

I’m afraid there may come a time when I’ll be floating peaceably in the ocean and a whale will swim right up to me and say in American English, “Please please please please please please please I need you to help me with whale stuff please woman thank you,” and I’ll pretend not to understand.

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