Tag Archives: Men And Women

An incident in the women’s bathroom

Tonight I had my fiction class at UVA. It was great, as usual, but I was drinking a forty of Hurricane during workshop and consequently had to take frequent trips to the restroom. It was actually a twenty of Diet Doctor Pepper. I was alone in the restroom when I heard a very loud pair of shoes barge in and loiter in front of my stall door, where I was actively urinating. The hinges on the door allowed for a lot of peeping space, and I nervously ducked down because the intruder was obviously checking me out through the cracks. Then the person went into the stall next to mine. I saw white tennis shoes and socks facing the toilet under the division. I heard a male voice murmuring to the bowl, but no liquid or flush, and then suddenly the person stomped out without washing his hands. The whole incident took less than half a minute. I tried to finish up quickly so I could catch the culprit, but DDP creates a long stream. A female classmate entered the bathroom as I was exiting the stall, feeling very violated.

“Did you see someone leaving?” I said. “I think a man was just in here.”

“Oh yeah,” she said. “I think it was___(another classmate). He was in here last week too.”

I furiously washed my hands and returned to the classroom, where __’s complacent white tennis shoes confirmed my suspicions. Not wanting to embarrass the guy, but also really wanting to embarrass him, I said, “Hey __. Were you just in the women’s bathroom?”

“Oh, was I?” he said, unapologetically. “Yeah maybe. I get them mixed up all the time.” Evidently the little skirt on the bathroom door says nothing to this guy except “Lift me up.”

Rose Petal Cottage

Am I the only one who would kill to live in a house like this? Think of all the pretend chores you could get done. I would probably be a creative genius today if I had grown up with a little fake washing machine to stimulate my imagination.

I want to put a Rose Petal Cottage in the living room so I can teach a certain someone how to do the dishes properly.

These pictures remind me of high school

Giant girl crushes small village and everyone in it.

The photos capture my obsession with dollhouses and being depressive.


Irving is taking me to the Poconos next week and I need to go bathing suit shopping! But I ate all that chocolate last night! My thighs are ginormous! What’s wrong with these dressing room mirrors? Mommy!

Exchange in Cardiac & Vascular Center waiting room

Old man in jeans and a baseball cap waits for the nurse to call him in for a procedure. Elderly, overweight woman wearing a smart pink suit walks into the waiting room with a cane and a girlfriend.

“You can sit in that loveseat right there,” the man says to the pink lady.

“Why? You wanna make love?”

The nurse opens the door and calls for the patient.

“How long will the procedure take?” says the pink lady.

“Fifteen minutes,” says the nurse. “But there are two hours of recovery time. You can go get some lunch.”

Ladies arise from loveseat.

“All right. We’re going to the cafeteria.”

“Don’t spend my money!” the patient calls as he disappears into the Cardiac Center.

I am a real woman now

For the past three years, my fingernails have been a popular topic of conversation in my household. My fingernails: Are they in my mouth again? Are they being shredded by my cuticle nippers? Will they ever look normal? Can you please stop gnawing at them – I’m trying to watch TV without getting grossed out. (Answers: Yes. Yes. No. No.) Last night, after much struggle, I finally put on the fake acrylic nails that I bought last week in order to look pretty for vacation.

D: Are you going to put the nails on tonight?

W: Yes. Yes I am. Just give me time to adjust to the idea and say goodbye.

D: That’s been your excuse for a week.

W: I don’t think you realize the intensity of this emotional attachment.

…Two hours later…

D: Are you going to put the nails on?

W: Yes, I just need a few last bites.

Much hand-washing, sighing, and guilt-tripping ensues.

W: The chemicals in this nail glue are probably going to give me cancer.

At bedtime…

W: I can’t take my contacts out with these stupid nails. Can you fix the sheets? I can’t fix them with these godforsaken nails. I feel completely ineffectual. I feel like you forced me to get a lobotomy. I feel abandoned by my best friends. Today I wore my hair all wispy around my face the way you like it and I put on the nails. I am basically your slave.

D: I have lost my sense of humor about this.

It’s not just our vestigial tails

List of human evolutionary leftovers.

To the Cast of the L Word

I get it, you’re gay.

Bad Girlfriend

I went away for one night, and when I came home Darren was laid up on the couch with sunstroke, a lost wallet, and a sprained ankle that someone kicked in at his Sunday soccer game. He is burnt, broke, and limpy, but I am happy to see him. I better make him some dinner because he has probably forgotten to eat for 24 hours.

Last night when Keith and I went to see our friend’s band Greenland play in Baltimore, I found a girl who just got engaged and convinced her to let me try on her diamond ring. She had to show me where to put it. Then I texted Darren back in Charlottesville, “A girl here showed me which finger the love goes on. Her hand is more bitten than mine.” This seemed like a very Isabel-type message to send. An example of one of hers (also sent last night): “Privacy has a wild prettiness, a spice box at its heart.” Another: “Reading bisexual’s guide to the universe & baking green cupcakes. I’m such a perv.”

Porn for Women

This is a funny book:

Porn for Women

Hehe. And porn for men would be…oh wait.